The Anatomy of a Scam - Or, How to Keep Poor Immigrants Out of Your Country
Here's one real-time example of how corporations weaponize governments to ruin people's lives
British Conservatives hate immigrants.
The Prime Minister — a Hindu Indian named Rishi Sunak — and his colleague Suella Braverman — the daughter of a Hindu Tamil from Mauritius and a Catholic Goan from Kenya — are oddly the frontline leaders in the fight to keep out people of color (and basically everyone else.)
They stuffed refugees on offshore barges until they literally died.
They closed all legal routes for refugees to arrive in the UK and are now trying to wriggle free of the European Human Rights Convention.
They placed public bets on whether or not they’ll successfully be able to ship migrants against their will to Rwanda.
Those were a few of the big headline-getters.
But it’s the small, boring, behind-the-scenes policy minutiae where you discover just how truly dastardly and sociopathic our world “leaders” are.
Take, for instance, the Con UK’s 2024 immigration policy update.
Sounds like a snoozefest, right?
Well, it is.
That’s the point.
It’s easier to slit someone’s throat while they’re snoring.
Let’s look at the various types of immigrants the Cons are actively trying to keep out of the UK rights:
Under the new changes, social care workers will be banned from bringing immediate dependants on their visas.
Remember: The UK is basically a rainy old folks home, and all the young people are severely undereducated because you can “graduate” high school at sixteen, and bachelor’s degrees are only three years long.
So the UK has to import hundreds of thousands of cheap care workers to look after Granny and Papa.
(This is an engineered eldercare crisis, by the way — the Cons don’t want Britons getting trained as carers because they’d want good pay… which would increase the cost of the National Health Service… which the Cons are trying to privatize and corporatize.)
But then the Cons found a huge “problem” with their import-cheap-nurses scheme — all these sweet, servant-hearted female carers wanted to, you know, bring their husbands and kids with them.
Heaven forbid.
So the Cons just changed the rule.
No spouses. No kids. Nobody. Care for our people, but please don’t even pretend we care about you or your people.
Sure, you can come over here and we’ll underpay you to look after our suffering old people, but don’t you dare think we actually care about your happiness or marriage or children.
Poor people
Under the new immigration rules, the only way people will be able to get a Skilled Worker visa is if they get a job that pays them a minimum of £38,700/year.
That’s U$48,757 per year.
That might not seem like a lot in America, but when you consider the average UK pre-tax income is a measly £28,008, they have to start at 38% above the average just to get in.
Skilled workers
Here’s where things get truly dastardly.
The UK, being run by inbred aristocorporatist weirdos, has a snoozefest list called the Immigration Rules Appendix Shortage Occupation List.
Basically, it’s a list of specialist jobs that are in seriously short supply in Britain — again, thanks to decades of purposeful non-education of locals to keep their wages down. If a company is hiring someone for a job on that list, they can pay them 80% of the going rate.
Did you catch that?
The UK has a list of jobs where companies are legally encouraged to import underpaid immigrants in order to undermine the domestic market rate to keep worker wages as low as possible.
Next time a Con tells you they’re the party of free market economics and sound fiscal policy, slap them in the face with a sardine on toast.
The list of UK shortages is a bloodbath, by the way.
Britain doesn’t have enough health managers, residential carers, chemical scientists, biologists, hydrologists, geophysicists, civil engineers, programmers, veterinarians, architects, welders, roofers, bricklayers, pharmacists, psychologists, and literally DOZENS of other professions… the UK apparently even has a shortage of artists, dancers, and musicians!!!
[The fix is obvious: Tax the hyper-elites who benefit most from an educated workforce, then take the 525 UK pubs that close annually and turn them into at-cost universities.]
Under the new immigration rules, the Cons plan to “reduce the number of jobs” on the shortage occupation list.
To be clear, there will still be a massive shortage of skilled workers in the UK, except now, there will be no one to fill those roles.
What have we learned?
That you can’t spell Conservative without Con.
That the UK Cons have systematically found a way to keep out carers, keep out poor people, and keep out skilled workers, without the average Briton ever hearing about it.
The end result?
Suffering old people due to a lack of carers.
Rising prices for all.
A massive shortage of badly needed skilled workers, which means more suffering for millions of Britons.
Millions of opportunities for a better life denied to would-be working contributors.
But hey, at least fewer black and brown people, amirite bruv?
Con immigration policy is straight-up driven by racism.
It’s certainly not driven by clear-headed economics or a sentient thought about the future.
This is why it’s vital to keep hyper-individualist, anti-commons corporatists from holding public office.
Their perverse incentives are aligned against human dignity and democracy.
They don’t work for you, your family, or your well-being.
Look, I’m not saying the UK should have an unbridled inflow of immigrants. The British Isles are already vastly overpopulated compared to their land mass and have to import nearly every single commodity to keep the current population alive. But the Con way of keeping out immigrants is brutal and punishing not only to immigrants but to the citizens who rely on the working contributions made by new citizens.
If I were Prime Minister of the UK right now, I’d do three things:
Extend universal education straight through university for all genuinely needed skilled trades until there were zero shortages.
Launch the British Immigration Service. The BIS would be the global gold standard in refugee resettlement. I’ll build a massive Statue of Liberty-style processing center in Dover, then ink deals with nations looking to grow their populations. Canada, for instance, has a goal of 100 million by 2100 (God knows where they plan to house them.) The UK could help facilitate the resettlement of an entire Britain’s worth of refugees and immigrants if it wanted to. And that’s just to Canada. Namibia, Bolivia, and Australia have unbelievably low population densities, and dozens of aging nations like Italy, Greece, and Japan are looking to grow by adding young people before they have an aging population crisis.
Open the door to genuine refugees, but ensure they go through a rigorous process to socially integrate and adopt the nation’s values. Color is never the issue — culture is. Britons have genuine fears that Britishness is being colonized by outsiders, and the amelioration of these fears is not hatred, but the warmest possible welcome. People want to come to the UK for a reason — the UK just does a poor job of helping people understand why.
What are the lessons we can learn here?
First — the devil is in the details. Corporatist politicians love to distract the masses with big flashy news-grabbing drama so they can deftly change a few sentences in policy behind the scenes and wipe out the well-being of millions.
Second — what scams are your politicians playing right now? What are the big flashy distractions that are keeping you from seeing the small changes that will have horrific outcomes for tens of millions of people in the years ahead?
Make no mistake: The corporatocracy’s goal is to control all governments and turn you into neo-feudal workers on their colonial plantation. They will own everything, and you’ll be “happy” only if you accept their steady diet of sugar, venture capital vegan treats, and TikTok videos.
If you don’t like the future, change it now.