Hello friends!
Monied elites and their sycophants on X are all atwitter about the so-called “population implosion” right now.
Well, let’s follow the money…
If the population falls, so does the demand for housing, so houses get cheaper, meaning land-lorders can’t charge as much rent and banksters can’t reap a lifetime of interest off the backs of the working contributor class
If the population falls, there isn’t as much competition for jobs, meaning corporations will actually have to, you know, try harder to retain talent (ie, raise wages, offer real social safety nets, etc)
If the population falls, there’s less demand for natural resources — meaning the planet might actually have a chance at recovering.
You can see why not-exponentially-rising population numbers absolutely freak out the rich and powerful asset-monopolizing class: They want that sweet shareholder profit, lovely low wages, and rising commodity prices so they can suck the very life out of their disposable gig-force and the beleaguered planet.
Technocrats like Elon Musk would have the sheeple simultaneously believe two things:
Compounding population growth is somehow a good thing despite the fact that we have homelessness for millions, joblessness for tens of millions, housing affordability hardship, and debt for billions, and we’re destroying the planet.
That AI, automation, machine learning, and robots won’t displace a billion jobs within our lifetime.
They literally think you are retarded.
If net human job losses are even 100M-500M, plus we add the UN-predicted 2 billion souls, we’re looking at billions of jobless and homeless folks, leading to endless migration and desperate refugeeism, nomadism and rootlessness, community upheaval and clashing cultures, not to mention rising scams, theft, and straight-up resource wars.
Silicon Valley is trying to sell you a bill of rotten goods.
Ironically, the same people who are engineering this death trap are also marketing the “solution”:
Universal Basic Income 🎆🎆🎆
Just pay everybody to keep the pyramid scheme going!
As we’ve discussed before, UBI won’t work. It will be a colossal failure. It is mathematically impossible for UBI to succeed in our current parasite-based economic system. Let’s run a thought experiment:
Imagine if everyone on Earth got an extra $5,000/month from UBI or even just a pay raise. How long before usurious land-lorders raised rents? How long before investors bid up house prices? How long before all that money flowed directly to interest payments on mortgages? How long before corporations raised their prices?
You see it now. UBI cannot and will not succeed so long as for-profit land-lorders, for-profit banksters, and for-profit corporations exist.
It would take about fourteen seconds before parasites soaked up 100% of the benefit of UBI. No matter how much we give people, predators will devour it. If everyone in America got an extra $10,000/month, rents and prices and interest payments would rise accordingly. $50k, $100k, give everyone an extra billion a month, a week, a day… it doesn’t matter.
Introducing universal basic income without eradicating the underlying system of economic exploitation is like trying to fill a bathtub while simultaneously expanding the drain hole with a sledgehammer.
The more blood in the host, the more blood for the parasites to suck out.
So, Universal Basic Income won’t work in the long or even medium term.
But surely everyone somehow magically still has the right to life in America, right?
Yeah… no.
America’s economic system is unconstitutional
People in the USA supposedly have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
What nonsense.
Above all, American lawmakers believe in private property — the individual monopolization of land that was once common to everyone.
The death of the US Constitution can be summarized in two sentences:
America took away the universal moral right of free access to resources.
Then America took away the right of violence as a way to secure the means of survival.
Please riddle me this: When all land is privately owned — when all resources are privately monopolized — and people have no recourse to force to stay alive, what does that leave them with?
That’s right: The right to indentured servitude.
You can either:
Borrow from banksters to buy land/resources and pay them back with interest.
Rent from current resource-hoarders (land-lorders) and pay them back with profit.
Lease your body to current resource-hoarders (corporations) for less than the full amount of wealth you create in order to give them a profit margin.
In other words: You will always be chasing and never be free.
The American (and global) economy is fundamentally anti-constitutional.
You can’t genuinely have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without free access to resources.
People must have either a.) the right to equal opportunity to access resources, and/or b.) the right to violence to stay alive.
Obviously, I’m advocating for A.
Free resources for all.
Come on and take a free ride
Right now, parasites are taking a free ride on the backs of the wealth-creating working class.
Banksters, insurers, land-lorders, corporate shareholders, and resource monopolizers by their very definition do not create any (zero) new usable wealth for society, yet they enjoy the lion’s share of the rewards.
This is immoral and unjust.
Quite perversely, it’s the parasite class that is the first to scream “freeloader!” when Universal Basic Income comes up in conversation.
This is where clarity is needed.
I’m not saying everyone should get a free house, free food, free heat, free electricity, free clothes, etc.
If everyone on earth was given, say, two resource-rich acres or the material equivalent (Canada alone has enough timber to house our global family), some genuinely lazy people would still live in shacks while others built themselves mansions. But for the first time in a long time, neither party would suffer economic exploitation to get themselves housed.
I’m not saying people deserve free finished goods… I’m saying humans have the universal moral right to the natural resources required to create houses, food, heat, electricity, clothes, etc.
Why are you talking about morality, Jared?
Because I believe in God.
Biblical law is explicitly clear — each and every human being gets allotted a portion of land so they can partner with God in providing for their personal and communal needs. These land usage rights are conditional, of course — sustainability laws are baked into the Leviticus and Deuteronomy texts and God reserves the right to boot anyone who wrecks His property.
Well, I don’t believe in God, Mr. Brock.
All the more reason to believe in the universal right to access resources and/or the violent fight to get them.
With God, the right to life is enshrined in law.
Without God, you have no rights, it’s dog-eat-dog-survival-of-the-fittest, and you are losing ground in real-time because you don’t have a legal way to fight back.
You do not have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
You have the right to a choose-your-own-adventure where the options are wage servitude and rent-serfdom or debt peonage.
Now watch the population grow and jobs decimate thanks to tech, and the only “solution” the rich can come up with is a bandaid called UBI that not only won’t work but — let’s be honest — will eventually be conditional on your proper (regime-affirming) behavior.
This is what happens when malevolent corporatists run the world.
Is universal basic income a human right?
Rights are legal fictions. They don’t really exist in a secularist schema. They only truly exist in the God metaverse. Rights aren’t scientific, after all — they’re spiritual, along with concepts like justice and love.
Should we shoot for UBI anyway, even knowing it won’t work?
UBI ultimately just subsidizes the exploiters and their corrupt system.
It’s far too small a vision of human freedom.
Humans deserve far better.
Each and every one of you deserves equal access of opportunity to sustainably steward the resources required to live and be free. You deserve the right to the means to create shelter, clothing, food, and heat — and it shouldn’t cost you a lifetime of hard labor to resource-monopolizers get it.
You deserve far more.