How to Pay Off the National Debt In <1 Year Without Raising Taxes or Inflation… And Then Give Everyone a Free House 🏡
Legal, just, mathematically sensible… Americans will never go for it
At the time of writing this article, bankster-backed corporate politicians have shackled the American people with $27,473,485,937,031.60 in public debt owed to private lenders.
That’s $3,761,816,812.86 more public debt than yesterday.
Americans will be forced to pay more than $1 trillion in interest to lenders this year.
Imagine living in a country where complete strangers can make every working adult in the nation owe an extra $5,000/year in interest plus $12,500/year in principle, without their permission, forever!
But the title isn’t clickbait.
It’s entirely possible to pay off the national debt in less than a year, without raising taxes.
The Monetary Reform Act lays it down:
Step #1:
Congress directs the Treasury to issue $27.5 trillion in U.S. Notes to pay off the national debt.
Step #2:
Congress increases the reserve ratio of private banks to 100%. (At present, American banks can re-lend or invest 100% of depositor cash with zero risk to themselves. Step #2 would flip it the other way around- now banks can only risk 100% of their own cash and 0% of depositor cash.)
That’s it.
See, private lenders currently have more than $98 trillion in debt-money crushing the American economy with interest and inflation.
This one-two punch knocks them out of the ring.
Not letting bankers endanger depositor cash eliminates their ability to create money.
Banks no longer get to create debt-money to prop up stock prices and inflate housing bubbles, and democracy gets to replace toxic banker money with commons-improving debt-free money. Sounds like a pretty moral deal.
But don’t feel too bad for the banks, though — they’ll still make fat fees from storing the $27.5 trillion in funds created to retire the national debt.
And yes, legal eagles, Congress has the power to pay off the national debt without inflation or deflation, while simultaneously ending the corrupt practice of private bank money-creation.
So… the national debt is paid off.
Americans no longer have to fork over $1 trillion in interest payments every year.
Now what?
How are we going to re-allocate that cool annual $1,000,000,000,000?
My vote:
Take just over 1/2 of 1% of the federal government’s 640 million acres of land.
Build hundreds of gorgeous new Paris-density eco-cities on it.
Give every American a free eco-sustainable house.
No, it’s not, Tea Party Grandpa.
4 million acres of free commons land + all the natural resources on said land + $1 trillion in annual interest savings gets you 10 million houses per year.
Do the math:
In thirteen years, every single American family could be a debt-free homeowner.
And not only will this not cause inflation — there is zero net money creation, remember — but it would actually decrease prices and strengthen the dollar because no one would be paying rent or mortgages anymore.
It would decimate joblessness.
It would eliminate homelessness.
It would eliminate the budget deficit because we’d no longer need as much welfare spending.
And we’d do our part of reverse climate change.
There’s only one thing stopping this:
Sociopathic banksters.
Rather than getting real jobs and creating new useable wealth for others, interest-eaters want compounding debt and interest flowing into their coffers so they can tighten their power stranglehold over the world.
They will fight to the death to keep hold of the Midas-like ability to create money out of thin air without contributing any value to others.
There’s a reason the Bible calls this sort of evil a sin — the interest-based economic system is destroying humanity when we could all be flourishing.
We must destroy interest and for-profit banking.
It is a pox and scourge on all that is good.
On the other side of interest is a land of plenty and well-being for all.
As Henry Miller rightly said:
“The earth is a paradise. We don’t have to make it a paradise — it is one. We have only to make ourselves fit to inhabit it.”
What’s deeply ironic is that most conservatives say they care about the national debt and want less wasteful government spending, while refusing to accept that interest payments will soon be the #1 government expense by a mile.
But would most cons ever go for a debt jubilee or economic reform to get what they say they want?
Not over your dead body.
Most con voters would rather see the poor die homeless than infringe on the “freedom” of corporations to enslave humanity under debt peonage.
Bleeding heart liberals, meanwhile, would have you believe it’s okay to print money to fund favored programs so long as inflation is kept to 2%. This steals over 80% of the dollar’s worth in the average human lifetime. This is a crime.
So, the status quo remains — the banks create more debt-based money, lenders enlarge the national debt, interest accrues, taxes go up, inflation goes up, services get cut, public assets get sold off, homelessness rises, economic hardship for all increases, and interest-eaters get richer.
The American Way, baby.
At least now you know how we got here and why we’re stuck here.
Watch Jared Brock’s documentaries about slavery and trafficking and read his book about Jesus’s politics, economics, and philosophy.
MMT without baggage like jobs.
"We own the money" sung to the tune of "We're in the money" might be the anthem for the upcoming generation.
We need an anthem.
We need to coalesce.