Here's How Corporate Banksters Are Destroying Lives - How Long Until You're Next?
It's only a matter of time
A dear friend sent me an email last night with the following note:
Someone posted this in our town. I think we’re gonna see a lot more of this unfortunately. It’s seriously so sad.
Sickening, right?
Think of how insane modern banking is:
1. Limited liability banks create credit out of thin air via fractional reserve banking (so: zero double real risk.)
2. Banks lend against secured collateral like houses (so: triple zero risk.)
3. Despite lending fake credit, banks get paid back with real money and real interest.
4. When enough people can’t pay back their loans with interest (which, of course, they mathematically cannot do because there’s more credit interest owing than actual real money in the economy), the loans fail, the banks foreclose on families and ruin lives, and then lobby their sponsored politicians for a taxpayer-funded bailout which adds further misery and hardship for the masses. (Also: quadruple zero risk.)
Modern for-profit limited liability fractional reserve corporate shareholder banking is literally the best business model ever invented.
And it’s pure satanic evil.
I call it Mammonomics, after the ancient god of in-money-we-trust.
It’s literally the opposite of how the Bible tells humanity to structure earthly economies:
Everyone gets land usage rights (with built-in sustainability rules) because everything belongs to God and humans have the right to the resources required for their survival. No one should have to let themselves be exploited by bosses or land-lorders in order to stay nourished and sheltered.
Money is created free of debt and is backed by real wealth so people can’t be robbed of their purchasing power.
Interest is forbidden because it’s the non-contributing theft of real wealth and is mathematically unsustainable.
Debt jubilees every seven years ensure no systemic or perpetual debt (unlike our $300+ trillion in current global debt peonage.)
Worker rights are protected and taxation is progressive so everyone contributes to the economic system in proportion to the benefits they gain from the economic system.
Follow the Word and poverty evaporates.
Follow the world and poverty compounds.
Sadly, my friend is 100% right. We are going to see a lot more people lose their homes and life savings in the years ahead.
House prices go up as supply is purposely constrained and demand from land-lorders soars.
Rents, mortgage repayments, and land taxes rise significantly, which has two major knock-on effects — A.) people’s money is devalued by price inflation, and B.) people have less money to spend on other stuff.
When people have less money to spend, businesses close and people lose jobs.
When people lose jobs, they have less money to spend, and the downward spiral becomes a self-fulfilling doomloop. The parasite anti-economy (interest, rent, and shareholder profit) devours the real wealth-creating contributor economy.
Welcome to the Mammonomics rachet:
Click click.
Click click.
Click click.
Do you hear it coming for you?
How long before your daily-diminishing purchasing power falls behind your ever-rising property tax bill?Â
How long before the cost of living outpaces your speed of after-tax earnings?Â
It is only a matter of time before every house and inch of Earth is owned by investment companies and the bottom 99% have no choice but to toil for suppressed wages until the day we die in order to immediately pay back those same wages as rents, interest, and shareholder profit.
You will not escape this economic reality.
Not while Mammon rules.
We know what needs to happen to get to where we need to be:Â
Everyone needs to give up the parasite game — to divest of stocks and bonds and income properties. If you’re a Canadian with an RRSP, there’s a near-100% chance you own stock in Scotiabank and just profited from destroying the life of that worker in my friend’s community.
We need to start and/or support non-exploitative business models like sole proprietorships, partnerships, family businesses, co-operatives, and not-for-profits.
We need to support people to run for public office and re-form the economy — instituting land rights, creating money debt-free, eradicating interest, jubileeing debt, rebuilding worker rights, and taxing progressively. We’ve done it before and we must do it again.
We need to loudly and with disciplined endurance get the word out about where we are, where we’re heading, and what we can and should do about it.
Sadly, most people won’t even make it to first base.Â
Give up my sources of free, unearned, passive income? J.A.B, are you crazy?
I know a church-going couple right now who’s evicting their Christian renters so they can sell the income property for an unearned multi-hundred-thousand-dollar payday. Clearly, every single cent of profit should go to the renters without whom the capital gain wouldn’t exist in the first place, but instead, the renters get to be homeless despite the fact that one of them is a full-time teacher.Â
Will you divest of the parasite anti-economy today?Â
Or is it still too personally profitable for now?Â
When a ship is sinking, our natural inclination is to grasp tighter to the handrail.
We really should be building escape rafts together instead.