Here Are The 5 Greatest Threats to Humanity Right Now
And no one in power is talking about any of them.
And no one in power is talking about any of them
While the corporate-sponsored mainline political parties allow extremists on the left and right to whip the masses into a frenzy over highly-divisive wedge issues that have little-to-no effect on widest-spread wellbeing, the five major crises of our time remain forsaken by the political elite, the cultural consciousness, and the international discourse.
It’s up to us to elevate awareness of the five greatest threats to humanity right now:
1. Democratic Destruction
As despots consolidate power and private interests systemically undermine the public good, global democracy remains in decline for the fourteenth consecutive year, with no meaningful reversal on the horizon.
2. Economic Irrelevance
As late-stage corporatists continue to weaponize national and global economic policy against widest-spread wellbeing, workplace automation threatens to skyrocket unemployment in the decade ahead.
3. Ecological Collapse
As populations increase, oceans superheat, species collapse, soil fertility ceases, global temperatures rise, water quality degrades, and toxin counts soar, we hurtle towards a seventh great extinction.
4. Technological Dominance
As physical currency is systematically eliminated and AI-driven surveillance technology goes viral, governments and private interests are seizing access and control of financial and biometric data on a scale unparalleled in human history.
5. Spiritual Bankruptcy
As values hierarchies collapse and the atomizing individualist-consumerist anti-culture spreads globally, nations grapple with the loss of moral unity, common purpose, and a sense of fellow-feeling.
Our freedom and future are under attack on all sides.
If you wish to know our destination, just chart our current trajectory:
The world we’re leaving to our children will be far-less democratic, as the rich abandon the masses to be ruled by totalitarians and corporate elites.
There will be drastically more unemployment and poverty as resources dwindle and more people compete for fewer non-AI jobs. Rent-slavery, non-affordability, and houselessness will skyrocket as wealth amasses into fewer hands, leaving 4 billion struggling to pay and 3 billion of us in slums.
Land and water will be degraded beyond repair, with more extreme weather events and regional battles for water, food, and more.
Corporate-controlled governments will surveil our every activity with impunity, de-licensing and economically excluding those who do not acquiesce to their iron will.
We will be far more isolated and lonely than the pandemic lockdowns, driven further into the digital unreality.
But we should never worry when we can prepare and resist.
We will not see meaningful economic reform until democracy wrests back control from private-interest corporatists.
We will not see meaningful environmental protection until democracy wrests back control from private-interest corporatists.
We will not see meaningful protections against panopticon surveillance until democracy wrests back control from private-interest corporatists.
We need politician-free direct democracy, where one voice = one vote.
It’s too easy to buy laws.
It’s too easy to rent politicians.
It’s too easy to collude against the commons.
It’s far harder to bribe a nation of 330 million.
And what if we somehow miraculously seize direct democracy?
Would it be better than our current course? We are a people degraded by late-stage commodification and the individualist-consumerist state. Self-sacrifice, de-commodification, un-consumerism, and communal cooperation are actions unfathomable to the broad majority of the voting masses.
We need a global revolution, certainly; but first, we need a personal revival.
Follow Jared on Medium and subscribe to Surviving Tomorrow, a publication that helps readers navigate life in the age of democratic destruction, ecological collapse, and economic irrelevance.