Globalist Elites Are Attempting to Install An Unelected Central Bankster as the Prime Minister of Canada 🇨🇦
The establishment isn't even pretending to care about democracy anymore
Five years ago I guaranteed this would happen and here we are:
Canada is in economic ruins.
39% of Canadians now say they are insolvent.
50% of Canadians say they are less than $200 away from not being able to pay their bills.
The government only has a few options if they want to keep the Great Canadian housing bubble afloat:
1. Turn up the money printer and pump more debt into the system (which will create more inflation and crush millions of Canadians — but will make parasitic real estate investors gleeful.)
2. Keep bringing in millions of completely unqualified Indian “students” to max out rental demand and suppress domestic wages. (And collapse the food banks.)
A moral leader would let the price of shelter and the cost of living return to sanity, but the establishment doesn’t let moral people run countries anymore.
Case in point: Canada.
Friends, the globalist central bankster cabal isn’t even pretending to not run the world anymore.
Here’s what might be thundering down on the “great” white north this spring:
1. Trudeau officially finishes as Prime Minister.
This goes without saying. He’s already announced his intention to resign once a new leader is chosen. (Chosen, not elected.)
2. Central banker Mark Carney becomes the unelected Prime Minister.
Because almost no one else can afford to risk the $350,000 the corrupt Liberals are charging as a barrier-blocking entry fee.
3. Carney declares an emergency.
Here’s what’s on the menu of possible pretexts:
U.S. “invasion” worries
The planned trucker rally 2.0
A health scare
Terrorist attack
Economic shock or revelation
4. The emergency extends Carney’s Prime Ministership until as late as September 20, 2026.
Giving him time to “fix” the mess (which he absolutely won’t) while campaigning (which he absolutely will.)
5. Carney uses the crisis as an opportunity to write a bailout cheque for Sagen.
Sagen is the largest insurer of mortgages in Canada… bigger than CMHC… which is conveniently owned by Carney’s company, Brookfield.
6. Meanwhile, the WEF/Davos cabal will pump billions into his “I’m not Trudeau/we’re a new Liberal party” re-election campaign.
In cahoots, Canada’s corporatist media will shower him with praise.
Jon Stewart was shilling for Carney on The Daily Show just yesterday.
If Carney’s smart he may also (temporarily?) scrap the carbon tax to appease Alberta and undermine the only real specific promise power-voracious Pierre Poilievre has made this entire campaign.
7. Win/win
Even if Carney still loses to the Cons, the globalist imperialist corporatists remain firmly in control of Canada because the Cons are, well, still cons.
Carney sets himself up as the dignified opposition and wins in 4 years when the Cons inevitably (GUARANTEED) don’t fix the economy for the bottom 90+%.
But never ever ever forget:
As a central bankster, Mark Carney added $162 billion to Canada’s national debt and £500 billion to the UK’s national debt… over C$1 trillion combined… because he is a corporate sociopath who works to enslave workers to elite private globalist bank shareholders.
Taxpayers are now paying over $40 billion per year in interest FOREVER because of this evil man.
He should be in jail.
What Canadians should do:
Vote for ANYONE besides the Cons and Lib-NDP.
The Lib-NDP coalition has proven itself homicidal to the national interest, but the Conservatives are run by Pierre Poilievre, a lifelong politician who’s taken more than $4 million in taxpayer money and owns a real estate investment company.
2025 is going to be insane!
Canadians need to stop playing the establishment’s ruinous game, use their brains, and grow a moral backbone.
In 2024, Canadian banks created $1.35 trillion out of thin air, inflating the price of everything (especially houses) and enslaving Canadians with $1.35 trillion in new debt.
Canadians need to abolish modern fractional reserve banking.
(As should the Brits, the Americans, and any other nation with a central bank that lets private banks create debt-money out of thin air.)
Don’t let anyone or anything distract you from the establishment’s bigger picture — infinitely compounding debt for everybody.
It’s time for nations to take back their economies and create democratic, sovereign, debt-free money again.
In the meantime, please pray for your Canadian neighbors — in the next 18 months, they will experience a lot of tumult and upheaval.
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
Speaking of evil… pre-order my new book on the devil!