Author’s note: Hey Surviving Tomorrow readers, sorry for the overtly religious article. As a faith-driven person, there comes a point where you have to speak out, and for me, that time is now. I’ll be back tomorrow with a barn-burner article on the current war between China and America, but in the meantime, feel free to skip this one, read it with this as your soundtrack, and/or forward it to your Christian friends.
Love you all. — J.B.
Dear anti-vax and hyper-pro-vax Christian friends:
How much time, thought, effort, energy, research, anxiety, fear, gossip, judgment, anger, rage, frustration, fury, money, passion, and obsession have you poured into the fight for your “right” not to be vaccinated, or your “right” to force it on others or lock them down forever?
Did you pour this much passion into fighting human trafficking when almost no one had even heard the phrase?
Did you strain to free children from the grip of pornography addiction, before any nation on earth adopted meaningful age verification?
Have you invested as much time in intentionally discipling the youth and kids of your local church?
Have you put this much passion into inviting others to join you in prayer?
Have you battled to call the men in your life to a higher standard of love and integrity?
Did you hit the road and speak out against racism and call for reparations years before BLM hit the streets?
Did you immediately start fundraising to bring over Syrian families during the refugee crisis?
Did you do the same thing for the starving families of India when Covid first broke out?
Did you put your money where your mouth is and divest from all anti-human investments?
Have you invested five-figure hard money into the lives of hundreds of third-world entrepreneurs?
Are you loudly sounding the alarm about the affordable shelter crisis?
Are you publicly calling out corporate corruption and boycotting evil companies to the best of your ability?
Christ-followers, where have you been all these years?
Why have you never tried to press all of your might and skill and talent and time and treasure into the work of our King?
Why is it only now that you choose to raise your voice in howling protest, only now that your own personal autonomy and safety feel threatened?
Listen, none of us are anywhere close to perfect, and social media is unquestionably a wonderful place to share funny joys and celebrate memorable milestones, but when it comes to so-called social justice issues, have you forgotten the hard truth that we, as Christians, DO NOT HAVE RIGHTS?
You don’t get to pick your denomination.
You are not a citizen of this planet.
Does your Facebook wall and Internet presence reflect an ever-growing love for others—especially the weak, poor, and vulnerable—or is it a living testament to your ever-growing love of self above all else?
Don’t tell me the answer.
Go to God on your knees.
Then turn the hell around.
Brothers and sisters, I am nothing short of indignant and incensed at what is going on in the hearts of many Christian right now. You are letting algorithms drive your convictions, not the holy Christ who loved his enemies so much that he died for them.
Do you love anti-vaxxers or hyper-pro-vaxxers so much that you would die for them right now?
Look, I don’t care if you get super-duper-triple boosted and live to one hundred or die next month of a rare disease we’ve been vaccinating against for a century; it’s what we do between now and then that matters.
Is this the best you’ve got?
Is this the most passion I’ll ever see you expend for a “cause”?
Will this be the only time you engage your children on a political issue?
Will you ever speak up as loudly on an issue for others as you have on this one for yourself?
Will I ever see you bleed, sweat, and sacrifice for something that really matters?
Will the gospel — the greatest story every told—ever grip your heart and mind and soul the way this eternally-insignificant issue has?
You have become the suburban, hyper-individualist, white-picket-fence, church-going consumers we promised our teens selves we would never become.
LIFE IS ALMOST OVER, MY DEAR FRIENDS. Don’t you see how short and precious life is? I want everyone I know to know Jesus and become living sacrifices who serve and fight for others until the glorious day we die.
We need to take all the energy we’re currently wasting on shamefully selfish things—everything from vaccine obsession to house renovations to perfectly staged photos of our children at their best-behaved moments—and dump it all into the kingdom of God.
It’s time to bind the searing spiritual wounds that this insane issue has burned in the hearts of millions across the nation.
If that’s not you, fine. All I ask is that you dump the label “Christian.”
Because you’re not fooling me, and you’re certainly not fooling the world.
I really hope you don’t walk away, but even if none of you go with me, still I will follow.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.