🇬🇧 Britain's Election Proves Their Voting System Isn't Only Undemocratic, It's ANTI-Democratic
Labour just won a five-year "supermajority" even though 80% of voters didn't vote for them
On Friday morning, the corporatist newsquawkers announced a massive lie to the British nation and the world:
Labour, the UK’s center-right corporatist party, just won a “whopping,” “record-breaking,” “landslide,” “overwhelming” majority.
It was a “resounding” result, a “ringing endorsement,” an event so praised by the corporatist media that any thinking person would instantly know a massive scam was afoot.
In total, Team Red nabbed an astounding 412 of the 650 available seats.
That’s 63% of the seats.
A pretty good result, right?
I’d say so.
Especially when you consider Labour only got 33.8% of the votes.
Wait, what?
33% of the votes gets you 63% of the seats?
And it gets worse:
66% of voters explicitly voted against Labour.
In other words:
The MAJORITY of British voters do not want Labour in power.
And yet Labour will have a supermajority for the next half a decade.
It’s the most distorted result in British electoral history.
For visual learners, here’s another way to picture it:
Ironically, Labour didn’t actually win the hearts and minds of the nation.
The wretched, corrupt, nation-impoverishing Cons simply lost.
Just take a look at this election versus the last one:
Labour gained just 1.4% of the voting share since the last election.
But in a corrupt first-past-the-post majoritarian voting system, that’s the difference between no power and all the power.
Meanwhile, take a look at how some of the other parties fared:
The Cons had 70% as many votes as Labour, but only 29% as many seats.
Green got 2 million votes and only 4 seats.
Reform got 4 million votes and only 4 seats.
Meanwhile, the LibDems got a measly 3.5 million votes… but a whopping 71 seats.
Here’s how many votes each party had to get to win a single seat:
All told, 9.7 million votes got Labour 412 seats.
All the other parties combined for 19 million votes, but got only 238 seats.
Twice the votes, half the seats.
This is a moral crime.
But this distortion isn’t a bug of the system — it’s an engineered feature.
Because here’s the ugly truth about Britain’s unbelievably corrupt voting system:
First-past-the-post is not only undemocratic… it’s ANTI-democratic.
19 million voters who voted against Labour… 66% of all voters… do not have representation in government for the next five years.
And here’s the thing:
The British people know their voting system is a con.
That’s why nearly HALF of all eligible voters didn’t even bother to waste their time voting:
Which brings us to an interesting bit of math (or maths, as the Brits say):
If 33.8% voted for Labour, 66.2% voted against Labour, and 43% of eligible voters voted not to vote, this means Labour actually won just 19.2% of the votes that were up for grabs.
Less than one in five eligible voters expressly wish to be ruled by this Labour “supermajority” for the next five years.
80.8% do not.
The new Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, is not the victorious champion — he’s just the biggest loser.
Important note
Today, the corporatist media is lauding the peaceful transfer of power.
But there was no transfer of power.
The corporatists remain fully, totally, and completely in charge.
They just switched their puppet and his decorations.
Labour is yet another fake left-wing party that’s actually right of center and decidedly in favor of the neoliberalist, globalist, corporatist party full of power-hungry sociopaths who will continue destroying the nation for the sake of private corporate profit.
Higher taxes, more national debt, more land-lorders, more bankster profits, more real terms poverty, and more currency debasement are GUARANTEED.
So what is to be done?
Shocking as it may sound, I think Britain should try democracy.
It’s wild that this is a controversial statement, but here it goes:
Every citizen must have representation.
A nation is not a democracy until citizen representation occurs.
In reality, Britain is an aristocorporate oligarchy.
Britain, and Canada, and America, and every other country in the world, needs democracy.
Every citizen must have representation.
We can do it directly like the Swiss.
We can do it with proportional representation and single transferrable votes.
Or with the liquid option to vote directly and have multiple options for all issues.
But whatever path we choose, the fundamental point remains the same:
Every citizen must have representation.
Sadly, the major corporatist parties in the UK and Canada — red and blue, blue and red — will never get rid of the current voting system that is purposefully rigged in favor of their elite corporate sponsors.
So what is to be done?
The 13 British political parties who just won the overwhelming majority of votes should threaten to sue Labour.
They should give them an ultimatum to scrap the corrupt voting system and bring in democracy by September 1st. If not, the 13 parties should launch a class action lawsuit containing the 19 million people who voted against Labor.
The lawsuit should not only be against the Labour Party institution, but against all behind-the-scenes members of the party, and against all 412 individual Labour members of Parliament.
Because they are actively standing in the way of democracy.
It is unacceptable that Britain will be ruled for the next five years by a party even though more than 80% of the nation did not vote for them and the vast majority voted against them.
This is 2024, and it’s time one nation tried democracy.
Watch Jared A. Brock’s documentaries about slavery and trafficking and read his myth-busting biography about Jesus’s politics, economics, and philosophy.
You have a valid point about how unrepresentative British democracy is. I believe PR is the only way forward. The Lib Dems used to be vocally in favor of PR but it's not even mentioned as a constitutional reform in their 2024 manifesto. Meanwhile, I think we need to start closer to home. Let's begin here in the US by demanding the end of the electoral college to elect the President, who should be elected on the basis of a majority vote. Furthermore, let's take national elections out of state control altogether and have an appointed committee with representation from all political parties overseeing federal elections.
You're always thinking. Thank you. Class action could keep focus on a movement.
Democracy's not a guaranteed cure for anything but anti-democracy is like starting a foot race with spikes through your feet deep into the earth while the corporatists at a minimum have roller blades - maybe Ferraris.