As I predicted three years ago this very month, Donald Trump has been re-elected President of the United States.
Is this good news or terrible news?
It depends on who you ask.
The fake left: “Donald Trump will turn America into Nazi Germany!”
The fake right: “Donald Trump will save America!”
Half the country thinks America is over and half the country thinks America is so back, baby.
So which is it?
Well, as ya’ll know, I love making predictions.
It’s a silly little game I like to play.
(I made 23 predictions at the start of 2023 and all 23 came true.)
So today, let’s make ten predictions about Trump’s next four years in office.
Some of these predictions will infuriate the right, while others will infuriate the left, so please try to keep a cool head and not take it personally. ;)
1. Trump will NOT turn America into a fascist dictatorship
His opponents love to mudsling the word at him, but in reality, fascism has an actual definition.
Benito Mussolini first used the term in 1915, deriving from the Latin word fasces (a bound bundle of wooden rods — each is easily snapped, but together, they are nearly unbreakable.)
Mussolini partnered with a philosopher to publish The Doctrine of Fascism in 1932. While Trump certainly likes some of the ideas (pseudo-autarky and semi-nationalism but with a soft spot for the UK) he shows little appetite for others — totalitarianism (as proven by pushing the abortion issue to the states), militarism (as proven by not starting any wars and getting out of them), and controlling corporations.
And even if he did…
Do you really think the states are going to give up their states rights without a fight to the death?
Do you really the globalist corporatocracy is going to give up their stranglehold on the global economy without a fight to the death?
There are big caesers (Julius, Caligula, Napoleon, Mao, Hitler, Stalin, etc) and there are little caesars (Thatcher, Boris, etc).
Trump is a little caesar.
2. Trump will NOT turn America into a Nazi totalitarian state
Nazism, too, has a real definition.
It’s technically a form of fascism that incorporates antisemitism, anti-Slavism, anti-Romani sentiment, scientific racism, Nordicism, homophobia, and the use of eugenics, none of which Trump has shown much enduring interest in.
3. Trump will NOT escalate the trans culture war
The left is worried that Trump’s rhetoric will further inflame the trans culture war.
As his track record shows, Trump is totally amoral when it comes to sexual matters.
His party definitely wants to put trans surgeries back in Pandora’s box, but I think culture has already beat them to it.
The harbinger? Last week, AOC removed she/her from her Twitter bio…
4. Trump will NOT fix the immigration system
Multinational corporations and their bankster backers love cheap labor and maximal demand.
5. Trump WILL let Elon slash public services…
…causing misery and hardship for millions
…but still not cut enough to make hyper-individualist libertarians happy.
6. Trump WILL increase the national debt
This is an absolute certainty.
The Federal Reserve’s shares are all owned by private commercial banks, and it’s in their interest to continue to compound America’s public debt.
Lenders are on track to steal more than $1 trillion in interest from U.S. taxpayers this year, and I would bet everything I own that this will only get worse under Trump, as it would under any Presidential nominee.
7. Trump will NOT fulfill his major promises
The border will not be secured.
There will not be an economic revival through deregulation, tax cuts to the rich, and anti-worker policies.
The U.S. will not see energy independence in a globalized energy market.
There will not be a meaningful crackdown on big tech, especially considering one of the Big 5 tech CEOs (Elon) is now inside the White House.
8. The world WILL be (temporarily) safer
Open violent conflict between Russia and Ukraine will cool slightly for the next 4 years.
Open violent conflict between Israel and Islam will cool slightly for the next 4 years.
China will hold off on invading Taiwan.
9. Trump will NOT stay in office for a third term
If he tries, there is a 100% chance of a successful assassination.
There are simply too many patriots in the U.S. to let any man, even the great and mighty DJT, break the 22nd Amendment and George Washington’s hallowed precedent.
The Republicans need to field an extremely compelling follow-on candidate — ironically, the Republicans winning again in 2028 gives Trump a way to save face as he waltzes back to Mar-a-lago.
10. J.D. Vance will be President within the next four years
I know the odds are low, but I cannot shake the awful feeling that Trump is either going to die from a McDonald’s-induced heart attack or assassination in the next four years.
There have already been three kill attempts in the past six months.
How many times can a man be so lucky?
If he’s not taken out by one of the rapidly escalating number of mentally-deranged conspiracy theorists, I’m betting the economic cabal that wants to maintain the global status quo will take him out if he rocks the boat too hard.
In conclusion
Any honest person must concede that all Presidents do a few good things, many bad things, and some truly ugly things.
Everything and everyone has a cost-benefit.
Trump 2.0 will be no exception.
Things will get slightly better in some areas and significantly worse in many more areas.
That’s why Psalm 146:3 is so unbelievably spot-on:
“Do not put your trust in human rulers — there is no hope for you there.”
The only truly insane thing is believing Trump, or any human being, can “save” America and make it heaven on earth.
What are your predictions for Trump Round #2?
Comment below!
Trump will hasten the US economic decline and keep on blaming whatever and whoever he can for whatever he can't fix. There is a small chance of a civil war. There's a good chance of human rights being pissed on even more than they are today with women and minorities being the victims or scapegoats. Misery will try to pretend to be normal.
I rather doubt DJT will survive a full year as President. The billionaires (and others) who made sure he won know he is a loose cannon narcissist and a Putin patsy. They will make him go away, so they can put Vance - who they expect to totally control - in his place.